The Cemetech Prizm SDK v0.2
Published by KermMartian 12 years, 9 months ago (2011-08-11T07:33:35+00:00) | Discuss this article

As it has apparently been called, the Cemetech Prizm SDK, or Jonimus and Tari (and Calc84's) Cemetech Prizm SDK, or even just the Prizm SDK, has been updated to version 0.2. This easy-to-use tool for Windows and Linux lets you design and compile Prizm programs in C on your computer, then load them onto your Casio Prizm calculator as simply as dragging the file to a removable disk. It includes a custom toolchain for the SH3 architecture and proper headers and system call listings put together by Jonimus with reference to work by SimonLothar, Qwerty55, and others, the mkg3a linker tool by Tari, and new bugfixes by Calc84Maniac. This version includes mkg3a 0.1e and an upgraded libfxgc with all the new syscalls from the mini SDK, as well as added other such as Bdisp_EnableColor. You can download it from either of the links below.

In other Prizm-related news, several Cemetech users have learned of an offer from Casio to get free Skinit skins for their Prizms. Mine are en route, and z80man has already received his; photos in the topic. Finally, SourceCoder 2.5's Prizm support is rolling along smoothly, with ever-expanding sets of menus transcribed for the build-in calculator keypad. Please feel free to test it with your own Prizm programs and let us know how it goes.

PrizmSDK (tar.gz, 29MB)
PrizmSDK (tar.xz, 11MB)

