One Hundred Fifty Thousand Posts
Published by KermMartian 13 years, 1 month ago (2011-04-09T02:58:33+00:00) | Discuss this article

Little more than seven years after Cemetech's forum first transitioned from a single-page message board into a fledgling InvisionFree forum, then a year later into a full-fledged forum, we have reached a grand total of over 150,000 posts. Starting from the common interest of graphing calculator programming, and spanning computer programming, web programming, hardware modding, hacking, and design, video gaming and other entertainment, game design, and even politics and literature, our 1,800 members have composed a whopping 6.13 million words, enough to fill 13.3 copies of War and Peace. Our members have contributed to 5,600 topics, which together have garnered 10.56 million topic views. Over the years, Cemetech's popularity has been helped by features on Slashdot, Engadget, Gizmodo, Hackaday, and of course for diverse programming, academic, and hardware projects. The site even has its own Wikipedia article written by people unconnected to the site and later filled in by some of our members, having fulfilled the notability criterion for Wikipedia entries through its dozens of citations in tech blogs and high-visibility news sites. Cemetech's projects continue to grow and flourish into new coding spaces, including the Casio Prizm and distributed computing.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to help us reach this momentous occasion, and here's to many more decades of Cemetech productivity, camaraderie, education, and fun!

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