Archives contributions by basicman
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  3. basicman

This page only shows contributions to our file archives; you can find more information about basicman on their user profile page.

Authored files

As of 18 hours, 41 minutes ago, basicman had authored 5 files. The following statistics were current then, but may have changed in the intervening time.

With 5 files, basicman is at rank 25 among all users for number of files authored. These files have been downloaded 2966 times, placing basicman at rank 156 for total downloads of their files.

Title Description Downloads Average rating
Tic Tac Toe A graphical TI Basic game that is intended to show the power of lists. Hopefully, anyway. It is not a finalized game, but you can play. 572
SPACE INVASION (demo) Pixel vs. List In this file there are three versions that I attempted to verify which one was faster. The fastest version uses pixels(SPACEIN3 vs. the other two that use lists. One of the list versions uses three plots to plot graphics(SPACEINV, the other uses one plot b… 714
EFENDOS This is a demo for the RPG EFENDOS. I have completed a lot more than what is on the demo but it is a demo. Pretty cool battle system, with three characters and many opponents. You can fight, level up, defeat castles and expand your forces with your generals. It has scrolling lan… 395
A NEW RISE A demo full of demonstrations on how to manipulate screen content. This release is for educational purposes only. 652
Mario example in Basic This is an example of how to make graphics in basic. This is a must download for those who want to see graphics using basic. It is not my favorite method but, it is works. Download now. Nothing needed to run, just memory. This version is playable. 635


basicman has not reviewed any files.
